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Q: What was one advantage of Henry Ford using interchangeable parts?
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Who is credited with putting the concept of using mass-produced interchangeable parts into practice?

Henry Ford

How did using interchangeable parts change factory work?

Interchangeable parts made production faster and easier

What year were automobiles first mass-produced?

Most believe Henry Ford was the first to use the assembly line to mass produce an automobile with his model "T" in 1908 using interchangeable parts. However Ransom E. Olds mass produced his "Curved Dash Olds" from 1901 to 1904 from an assembly line using interchangeable parts.

What car was first to have all of its parts interchangeable?

The Oldsmobile Curved Dashautomobile was the first vehicle mass produced on an assembly line using interchangeable parts from 1901 to 1907.

Who was the Man who demonstrated the possibility of using interchangeable parts by assembling guns from a pile of parts?

Sam Colt

Developed the idea of using interchangeable parts to build and repair goods.?

Eli Whitney

How did using interchangeable parts change the make up of the labor force in the early 1800?

Interchangeable parts meant that you could have many inexperienced workers each making a part of the whole machine.

How did using interchangeable parts change the make up of the labor force in early 1800s?

Interchangeable parts meant that you could have many inexperienced workers each making a part of the whole machine.

How did using interchangeable parts change the makeup of the force in the early 1800?

Fewer skilled craftsmen were required. -novanet

Who is credited with putting the concept of using mass produced interchangeable parts into practice?

Eli Whitney and Cyrus McCormick

How did using interchangeable parts change the makeup of the labor force in the early S's?

Fewer skilled craftsmen were required. -novanet

How did using interchangeable parts change the makeup of the force in the early 1800's?

Fewer skilled craftsmen were required. -novanet