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Q: What was one benefit of native Americans received as a result of the columbian exchange?
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What is it the term for the exchange of goods disease plants and crops that happened because Europeans settled in the new world?

People say that the Columbian Exchange occurred but it really didn't benefit the people of the New World very much.

What describes an important effect of the columbian exchange on the Americans?

People say that the Columbian Exchange occurred but it really didn't benefit the people of the New World very much.Worse for the New World, was the loss of 90 percent of the native population due to diseases that they never had seen before.There had been about 80 million and only around 720,000 were left. The land appeared to be empty.

What is it the term for the exchange of goods disease-plants and crops that happened because Europeans settled in the new world?

People say that the Columbian Exchange occurred but it really didn't benefit the people of the New World very much.

How did the Columbian Exchange benefit Native Americans?

Well, they got horses so they could start hunting buffalo while riding them, enabling them to adopt a nomadic lifestyle

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What resulted of the columbian exchange was negative for the native Americans?

People say that the Columbian Exchange occurred but it really didn't benefit the people of the New World very much.Before Columbus, the parasites that cause malaria were rampant in Eurasia and Africa but unknown in the Americas. Transported in the bodies of sailors, malaria may have crossed the ocean as early as Columbus's second voyage. Yellow fever, malaria's frequent companion, soon followed.But worse for the New World was the loss of 90 percent of the native population due to diseases that they never had seen before. There had been about 80 million and only around 720,000 were left. The land appeared to be empty.

What was the results of the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian exchange was a transfer of Culture, Plants and animals, and diseases, between The New (North and South America) and Old world (Europe, Africa and Asia). If it is not a plant, Animal, Disease or Cultural practice, it was probably not part of the Columbian exchange.

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What is a exchange of one benefit for another?

The exchange of one benefit for another is referred to as a trade-off. It is used to describe the situation when one person is forced to get rid of one thing, but is able to get something else instead.

What is the true motivation of consideration?

Consideration is the benefit received by each party in a contract in exchange for something given or promised. It ensures that each party is bound by a mutual exchange, making the contract legally enforceable. It also demonstrates a commitment by both parties to fulfill their respective obligations.