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Q: What was one factor which caused Muslims to resent the portuguese?
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What was the one factor that caused Muslims to resent the Portuguese explorers?

Religous intolerance of Hindus.

What was one factor that caused muslims to resent the Portuguese?

we do not resent the portuguese because the entire purpose of islam is to be peaceful. and why did you think that we have never resented them. not that i know of....

Why some Muslim resent westerners and Israelis?

Why do Muslims resent the West and Israel? Oh well maybe because they have seen nothing but hate and oppression and murder from them.

What Describes an outcome of the US' response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001?

Many Middle Eastern Muslims have come to resent the United States

What had the Aztecs done that caused other native tribes to resent them and thus be willing to help Cortes in his conquest?

The Aztecs were sacrificing their people, which caused other native tribes to help Cortez.

How do you spell resent in french?

The word "resent" in French is spelled "ressentir."

What is the adjective of resent?

Resentful is the adjective for the verb resent

What is the noun for resent?

The noun forms for the verb to resent are resentfulness and resentment.

What is a homograph for the word resent?

There are two meanings for the homograph resent. Resent (v): pronounced re-ZENT Feel bitterness or indignation Resent (v): pronounced REE-sent To send again

What part of speech of the word resent?

The word resentful is an adjective. It means inclined to resent.

Can you give me a sentence with the word resent?

She couldn't help but resent her colleague for taking credit for her work.

Is the US government still mad at Iraq for 1990?

Considering how Iraq now has a completely different regime from the one that caused the Persian Gulf War, there is no reason for the United States to resent the current Iraqi government and certainly no reason to resent its people. The United States maintains a good relationship with new Iraqi Republic.