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The first order of business for the 1789 Congress was to elect the first Speaker of the House. Frederick Muhlenberg, a Lutheran pastor from Pennsylvania, was chosen.

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Kendall Kris

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Q: What was one of the firsts orders of business for the original congress in 1789?
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What was the first orders of business for the original Congress in 1789?

The first order of business for the 1789 Congress was to elect the first Speaker of the House. Frederick Muhlenberg, a Lutheran pastor from Pennsylvania, was chosen.

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The President of the United States is allowed to issue executive orders without the approval of Congress. These orders however, are subject to judicial review and can be struck down if deemed unconstitutional.

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Congress can impose federal mandates, which require the state government to comply with its orders

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The President of the United States is allowed to issue executive orders without the approval of Congress. These orders however, are subject to judicial review and can be struck down if deemed unconstitutional.

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the people who carry out the presdents/congress orders

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To expedite his agenda , and to bypass congress .

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If Congress can not pass anything controversial due to polarization, the President is tempted to rule by executive order.

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Executive Orders The President is the nations's chief executive and has inherent powers to issue executive orders. These orders carry out policies described in laws that have been passed by Congress. The orders have the force of law.

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When a case is reversed and remanded are the orders null?

The wording of the question is too general (i.e.- what orders?). On a reversal of verdict everything goes back to the way it was at the start of the original trial (the one that was reversed), and the case is either re-tried or dropped. Any orders pertaining to the original outcome or the original verdict become null and void, HOWEVER, any orders issued to an individual by a judge are still applicable (i.e.- no contact orders, etc). So, you can see - the question needs more clarification as exactly WHAT orders are being referred to.

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Orders for promotional business products can be placed by going to a company an ordering their products for businesses. You can try Vista Print for business pens and many other items you can order online.