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Q: What was one reason that the colonists represented Texas was that the American colonies had no representation in Parliament?
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Why shouldn't the American colonists suffer from British taxation in British Parliament?

At this point int time, the colonists and Britain had a vastly different social structure, not to mention other things. Parliament simply did not share the colonists' interests. The colonists wanted to be represented by those who shared their interests, but when Parliament refused (arguing in favor of "virtual representation"), the Revolution ensued.

Why was it so important for the colonists to have tax representation?

No taxation without representation was one of the main causes of the American Revolution. The colonists believed they were not directly represented in the British Parliament and that any laws passed by the British Parliament were illegal under the Bill of Rights.

Why did the American colonists object to the new British tax laws?

It because of racism practice in taxation system. American Colonists had no representation in Parliament.

Why did some American colonists object to paying taxes to Great Britain?

The colonies did not have representation in Parliament

What was the main reason for the protest of taxes and laws imposed on the American colonists?

The Colonist Were Not Represented In Parliament

Why did the colonists oppose English taxes?

American colonists objected to British taxes because the colonists had no vote on the taxes and no representation in the British parliament. The colonists' catchphrase for protests was "taxation without representation", because they were being taxed without representation in the parliament and that's why they were mad.

Why did colonists think it was a problem to be taxed without representation?

The American colonists had a serious problem with being taxed without representation in Parliament. This was because they were given no say in the government that was taking their money.

What did the colonists and great Britain disagreed over?

The taxation to the colonists. Britain said that they could do that because they were in charge of everything that happened in their territory. The colonists said that they could not be taxed because there was no representation in Britain's Parliament.

Why did the American colonists object to the taxes the British Parliament levied on sugar and other staple goods?

The American colonists objected to British taxes because they were being forced to pay money to the Crown, and at the same time had no say in the British Parliament. This is where the phrase "no taxation without representation" comes from.

Why did they not do so?

The reason King George and Parliament did not give the American colonists representation in the legislature is because they did not consider the colonists citizens of England, but rather inhabitants of a British colony.

How did the British define no taxation without representation?

The British didn't define this. They perceived that there was no need for a bunch of (American) colonisst to have representation, since they thought that their governing status was just fine. It was the American colonists who stated that they did not want to pay taxes to the British unless their interests were adequately represented in Parliament. When this idea was rejected, the conditions for revolution ripened.