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There was no “democratic “ slave trade. The slave trade had nothing to do with democracy and was the result of men who wanted to make money off of the enslaved.

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Q: What was one result of the democratic slave trade?
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What was one result of domestic slave trade?

Slave families were split up.

What was one result of the domestic slave trade apex?

One result of the domestic slave trade was the separation of families, as enslaved individuals were often sold to different owners in different regions, leading to the breakdown of familial bonds and support systems.

What was one result of the domestic slave trade?

Slave families were split up.

Why was one reason for the growth of the domestic slave trade?

The international slave trade ended /apex

Who took control to slave trade in 1713?

No one took control. It was an all south trade with slave markets.

Which person stopped the slave trade?

The slave trade wasn't stopped by one person single-handed, it was a colaboration of reasons.

What was one effect of the end of the international slave trade?

Slave families were split up and sold.

What was one positive effect of the domestic slave trade?

One positive effect of the domestic slave trade was the economic growth and development of the southern states in the United States. The trade contributed to the expansion of plantations and agricultural production, leading to increased wealth for slave owners and the local economy.

What was one effect the end of the international slave trade?

slave family's were split up and sold-apex

What is one result of international trade?

Trade creates new markets.

How did the Atlantic Slave Trade differ from other slave systems?

The Atlantic Slave Trade primarily involved the forced transportation of African slaves to the Americas for labor on plantations, while other slave systems existed in different parts of the world throughout history. One key difference is the scale of the Atlantic Slave Trade, which was the largest forced migration of people in history, involving millions of African slaves. Additionally, the Atlantic Slave Trade was heavily racially motivated and institutionalized, creating a system of chattel slavery where slaves were treated as property with little to no rights.

What is the largest migration in human history?

the trans-atlantic slave trade, also known as the Atlantic slave trade. It was the largest and one of the cruellest displacement of people in the world's history.