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King George 3 would not let colonists settle West of the Appalachian Mt.

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King George 3 would not let colonists settle West of the Appalachian Mt.

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Q: What was one result of the french and idian war?
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How did the french idian war end?

the treaty of paris

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Who was Virginia's militia officer during the french and idian war?

George Washington

What did the French do after the French and idian war?

they went bankrupt, helped America's revolution, and started their own.

Who won the French and idian war?

The French and Indian War was part of the Seven Years' War. The British were one side and the French and Indian alliance the other. Eventually the British won.

Who gained complete control over Asia in the French and Indian War?

No one gained complete control over Asia in the French and Indian War, because the French and Indian War was fought in the New World, not in Asia. The contested territory in the French and Idian War was the boundaries between French and British possessions in America extending from Nova Scotia to Virfinia.

What wad one result of the French and Indian war?

One result of the French and Indian War was that France lost all of its possession in North America. England gained control of Quebec and Spain gained control of Louisiana.

What happened to the british when they lost th french and idian ar?

the british were victorious in the French and Indian war... It was France who lost, and they had to give up all claims to Continental North America and India

What was the geographic out come of the french idian war?

The English took most of the eastern side of america, including florida. They then gave the rest of the land that they did not want to the Spanish.

Result of the French and Indian War?

One result of the French and Indian War was that France lost all of its possession in North America. England gained control of Quebec and Spain gained control of Louisiana.

What was one of the result of the French and Indian war?

King George lll taxed American colonists to pay for the war

Why did the frence and Indian war begin over?

why did the frence and idian war begin over