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They entered into military alliances with neighboring societies.

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Q: What was one strategy the Aztecs used to expand their empire?
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What did the Aztecs use for transportation?

The Aztecs used walking and had an advanced road system. Prior to the Spanish invasion of their empire, the Aztecs had no horses or wheels to assist their transportation.

What was the relationship between the Aztecs and the toltecs?

The Toltecs and the Aztecs were never in direct contact as the Aztects were born from the chaos of the fall of the Toltec empire. The Aztecs used the turmoil to their advantage and built their civilization from the ruins of the Toltecs.

Did the spanish use Aztecs as slaves after the fall of the Aztec empire?

Some poorer Aztecs were used as slaves. Some Spanish people married a few Aztec women.

Who used the Aztecs pyramids?

The Aztec pyramids were used primarily for religious ceremonies and sacrifices. The temples on top of the pyramids were dedicated to various gods and were important sites for ceremonies conducted by Aztec priests.

What is a major part of the philosophy of fascism?

The idea that military conflict should be used to expand a country's empire. (Apex)

What most aided hernan Cortes in his conquest of the Aztec empire?

Although the Aztecs had more people, Hernan Cortez had better weapons. Smallpox killed many natives and Cortez used other rival tribes to defeat the Aztecs

Why were the french in Mexico In 1862?

France used a financial crisis in Mexico as an excuse to try to expand its empire by taking over Mexico.

What did the Aztecs use to get around?

To get around the Aztecs used boats an walked

Who used Aztecs calendar?

. The Aztecs and the Pre-Columbians of central Mexico.

What did Aztecs use as money?

Aztecs used cocoa beans as money regularly

How were cocoa beans valued by the Aztecs?

The cocoa beans were used at the Aztecs' currency.

How did Aztecs make soap?

Aztecs used the roots of the yucca plant for soap.