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Q: What was painted on a mummies coffin?
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What is sarcophagi?

It's a stone coffin.

Mummies were placed in coffins called a?

A mummy's 'coffin' is called a sarcophagus.

Did they decorate the mummies?

They did not decorate the mummie itself, but the coffin.

What are mummies buried in?

Mummies are typically buried in sarcophagi, which are stone coffins often decorated with intricate carvings and inscriptions. The sarcophagi are placed in tombs or burial chambers to protect the mummies from decay and preserve them for the afterlife.

What is the pyramids?

A pyramid is a triangle building made from stone blocks. The pyramid is used as a tomb when the Pharaoh had died they laid him in a coffin in one of the pyramids chambers as it has many chambers, the mummies coffin was then surrounded with all the mummies goods and weapons and food for their journey to the afterlife.I hope this will help youXX Thanks bye!!!

What are sarcophagus made out of?

Sarcophagus looks like a coffin, but sarcophagus have faces and are painted with bright beautiful colors. Some of them are covered in gold if they were kings.

What colors were mummies painted?

They weren't colored any particular color, the paper type substance in which they were wrapped up in was already white.

How do Mummies stay in their coffins and not turn to dust?

The process of making a mummy required the removal of vital organs, stuffing the body with dried herbs and other things, letting it dry and then wrapping it. It was placed in a coffin within a coffin. All of this preserves the body and makes it last longer through time. The process of mummification involves drying the body so mold and bacteria will not cause it to decompose. That is whey Egyptian mummies last in their coffins and do not turn to dust.

How many different types of mummies are there?

There are naturally preserved mummies which include:desert mummies , freeze dried mummies/ refrigerated mummies, bog bodies,Deliberately preserved mummies which include:egyptian mummies, chinese mummies, aleutian island mummy , Incan mummies and modern mummies

What are tar mummies?

tar mummies are mummies that were preserved in tar

Name some typical horror decorations for Halloween?

There are lots of scary horror decorations available for Halloween. Some popular ones would include vampires, mummies, a coffin, a haunted house, zombies and ghosts.

What is mummies of pharaohs as a possessive noun?

"Mummies of pharaohs" as a possessive noun could be "the pharaohs' mummies." This indicates that the mummies belong to the pharaohs.