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The Coercive Acts

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Q: What was passed to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party and other rebellious actions?
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Why were the coercive acts passed?

They were written as a response to the Boston Tea Party, to punish the colonists for rebellious actions.

Which of the original thirteen colonies passed a law which allowed a parent to put to death a stubborn or rebellious son?


In 1774 the British parliament passed The Intolerable Acts which were designed to punish wich colony for its rebellious behavior?

The Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts were designed to punish Boston. The first of the acts was the Boston Port Act, which was a parliamentary response to what we would later call The Boston Tea Party.

In response to the Boston Tea Party in 1774 the British Parliament passed the?

With the aim of punishing rebellious colonists for the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed a series of laws known as the Coercive Acts in 1774.

Why where the coercive acts passed?

To punish the colonies for the Boston tea party.

Which of the original 13 colonies passed a law allowing the parents to put to death a stubborn or rebellious son?

MARYLAND It was not Maryland. It was Massachusetts. The law was passed in 1684 and later repealed by the legislature.

What three actions did the colonies take as a result of the Stamp Act?

In response to the Intolerable Acts, the colonists decided to boycott British goods. The acts were passed after the Boston Tea party.

What was the effect Britain passed the townshend acts?

The Colonies boycotted English goods.

Which of the thirteen colonies pass a law to put to death stubborn and rebellious children?

Massachusetts passed a law in 1648, which allowed a parent to put a stubborn or rebellious son to death. The law has since been repealed by the legislature.

What laws closed Boston harbor and then placed Massachusetts under military rule?

Coercive acts

Why were The Intolerable Acts put into effect?

they were passed to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party and to reinforce England's power over the colonies

What was the Intolerable Acts mainly about?

The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed in reaction to the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonies for their defiance.