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Much theatre evolved from dance and story. The Greeks had Choruses through which stories were told (examples of this can be seen in "Antigone"). One time Thespus steped forward from the chorus to recite a solo line--he became the first "Thespian" or actor.

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Q: What was performed before plays?
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What type of people performed in shakespeares plays?

Actors. Before 1660, only actors and no actresses performed in the plays.

Where were Shakespeares plays performed before the Globe Theatre?

Newington Butts Theatre

How plays were performed in the globe theater?

around 22 plays were performed overall.

Queen Elizabeth help William Shakespeare with his art?

Queen Elizabeth was not a patron of Shakespeare's acting company, nor did she show an unusual interest in his plays. She did have his plays performed before her, along with those of other playwrights. Having your plays performed at court did boost one's reputation as a playwright.

What were some plays Shakespeare acted in?

In the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, he is listed as one of the actors which performed his plays, but that doesn't mean that he performed in all of them (although he probably did). He may have retired from acting before he retired from playwriting. The only plays we know absolutely and for certain that Shakespeare acted in are Jonson's Sejanus and Every Man in his Humour.

Were all William Shakespeare's plays acted out?

Yes. His plays were primarily intended to be acted, not read. Although we do not have particularly extensive performance records of the plays, it is clear that all of the plays were performed before they were printed. The printed copies often said which playing companies had performed them. This remains true of playscripts to this day. Because there are fewer records than we would like to see, there are no records of performances of some of the plays during Shakespeare's lifetime. However, even if there were a play that was not performed then, it has certainly been performed since.

Why were Shakespeare's plays performed in the afternoon?

Shakespeare's plays were performed in the afternoon, because they needed the daylight.

Where were shakespear's play performed and by whom?

Shakespeare's plays were performed at the Globe Theater in London by his acting troupe "The King's Men". The King's Men also performed at the Blackfriars Theatre, at Court and at private performances. Twelfth Night was known to have been performed at the Inns of Court. Before the Globe Theatre was built (in 1599) Shakespeare's Plays were performed at the Curtain Theatre, and before that, at the Rose Theatre, and possibly the Theatre and the Newington Butts Theatre. At that time the King's Men were known as the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Before Shakespeare became exclusive playwright for the Lord Chamberlain's Men, his plays were performed by Strange's Men, Sussex's Men, and Derby's Men. In 1594 the Chamberlain's and Admiral's companies shared a theatre, at which time some of the Admiral's company may have played in Shakespeare plays.

What time of day were plays performed at the globe theatre?

in the Globe Theater plays were performed around 3 p.m. Plays were performed around 3 pm. plays were performed at 2 P.M

Where were William Shakespeares plays performed during his lifetime?

William Shakespeare's plays were performed in 'The Globe Theatre'.

A raised platform on which plays are often performed?

A raised platform on which plays are often performed

Why were the Wakefield mystery plays performed?

The Wakefield mystery plays were performed because it was about the Bible. Many religious people came to see the plays.