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Cleveland proposed that the native Hawaiian government be returned to power

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Q: What was president Clevelands response when business groups asked the us to annex Hawaii?
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What was president Grover Cleveland's response to the overthrow of Hawaii?

proposed that the native hawaiin government put back to power

American business groups created a government in Hawaii with who as president?

Sanford B. Dole. He declined though

Who is the President of Hawaii?

The president of Hawaii is the president of the United States, Barack Obama.

Who is Hawaii's president?

Hawaii does not have its own president. Hawaii is in the United States of America, therefore President Barack Obama is the president of Hawaii isas he is the president of the USA.

What is the role of President William McKinley in the annexation of Hawaii?

President McKinley agree to the sealing of Hawaii because he was bought and paid for by big business such as Sanford Dole of pineapple fame. Outgoing president, Grover Cleveland tried to get the blessing of congress to retake Hawaii and give it back to it rightful owners, but the Money Power in the US saw to it that that would not happen. This was an era of US imperialism. Annexing Hawaii was a logical step in its time.

Who was the first US President from Hawaii?

President Barak Obama is the only President born in Hawaii.

Hawaii the birth place of a president?

Yes, President Obama was born in Hawaii.

Who is the only president from the state Hawaii?

Barack Obama is the only president is Hawaii

Where was one of the US President born in Alaska or Hawaii?

President Obama was born in Hawaii.

Has a US President been born in Alaska or Hawaii?

President Obama was born in Hawaii, No President has been born in Alaska.

Was Hawaii the birth place of a us president?

Yes, president Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.