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clearinghouse pots were orderedto linda birdsong 4 weeks ago with coupons sent to me for 400.00 off and i sent a check for 89.00 i received a letter saying i would have to pay shipping on arrival where are they?

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Q: What was purchased with ration coupons?
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Related questions

What part of speech is ration coupons?

Ration coupons is a plural noun. The singular is ration coupon.

Coupons used during the war to purchase items?

called ration books or ration coupons.

How many coupons are there in a ration book?

4 coupons

What were the Ration Coupons?

Rastion coupons were used during war time due to scarce food conditions. coupons were issued to families depending on number in family. coupons were for food substance and meat.....................also gasoline and tires....

What were the coupons called in the Anne Frank diary?

They are called ration books

What were Ration Coupons and why did people have them?

Ration coupons are paper documents indicating the amount of a certain item that the coupon holder is entitled to. Ordinarily, these documents are provided to the general population in times of shortage. In WWII for example, food ration coupons were given to U.S. citizens because of the immense food shortages brought about by the lack of food production in the United States at the time.

What did you buy sugar with during world war 2?

food ration coupons

Why were ration coupons used?

Ration coupons were used to ensure there was an even as possible distribution of the limited goods during (primarily) times of war, and also so that there would be enough of said goods to maintain the war effort.

What is importance of ration cards?

Ration cards are used in Southeast Asia for providing underprivileged individuals with food coupons. The importance of Ration Cards has declined due to invention of better ways of distribution.

What does it mean to ration something?

To ration means to carefully measure out supplies or whatever. It is what you do when you have a limited supply of something. You give those who need them just what they need. Sometimes "coupons" are used to where only those with the coupons can obtain the rationed items.

How many ration coupons was each family entitled to?

they where entitled to 12 each family

Why do the members of the annex have just five ration cards and no extra coupons and no fats?

because they had ran out of florins