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Q: What was so clever about the name Odysseus chose to tell Polyphemus?
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Why does Odysseus give Polyphemus as fake name?

Odysseus gives Polyphemus a fake name, "Nobody," so that when he blinds Polyphemus and calls for help, the other Cyclopes would think that "Nobody" harmed him and wouldn't come to his aid. This clever deception allows Odysseus and his men to escape from the Cyclops' cave.

Why are the cyclops surprised it was Odysseus?

Polyphemus hadn't known that it was Odysseus in his house. Odysseus had lied and told Polyphemus (the cyclops) that his name was Nobody. Odysseus and his crew had also blinded Polyphemus.

What name did Odysseus give Polyphemus instead of his own?

Odysseus called himself Outis (=Nobody). He did not give Polyphemus a name.

What is the name of the cyclops that Odysseus outsmarted?

His name was Polyphemus .

What name did Odysseus name the cyclops?

The cyclops was already named Polyphemus. Odysseus did not name the cyclops.

Why did Poseidon curse Odysseus?

Poseidon cursed Odysseus because Odysseus had blinded Poseidon's son, the cyclops Polyphemus. After doing this, Odysseus demonstrated his hubris by taunting Polyphemus and revealing what his actual name is. As a result, Polyphemus prayed to his father, who cursed Odysseus.

Why might Odysseus have made a mistake when he told Polyphemus his real name?

By revealing his real name, Odysseus allowed Polyphemus to curse him by name and call his father Poseidon to torment him.

What was the name of the cyclops that traps Odysseus and his crew?


What was the name of the cyclops that ate Odysseus' sailors?


Odysseus tricked polyphemus by?

saying his name was "no man."

What was the name of the cyclops that ate odysseus sailors?


How is Odysseus insulted by Cteppis?

In Homer's "Odyssey," Odysseus is insulted by the Cyclops Polyphemus when he asks for his name and Odysseus cleverly responds with the false name "Nobody." When Odysseus and his men blind Polyphemus and he cries out for help, the other Cyclopes assume that "Nobody" is hurting him, leading Polyphemus to feel humiliated and insulted.