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Q: What was some of the armor the warriors used and how did they use it?
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What level do warriors get to use plate in wow?

Warriors can upgrade from mail to plate armor at level 40.

What did ancient egyptians wear in battle?

Ancient Egyptian warriors often used shields in battle. They usually did not wear any type of armor or helmets, but did use chariots.

Did gallic warriors use axes?

Yes, many used 1-handed axes with shields. Gauls in battle were taught that the best defense is offense so they wore little to no armor.

What are some examples of armies that made use of leather armor for defense?

Some examples of armies using leather armor for defense are in the pre-Qin dynasty times, leather armor made from different types of animals were used, even the rhinoceros.

How do you use warriors in a sentence?

Warriors are usually men that fight in wars.'Warrior' is a term mainly used in the medieval times.

The code to get doom knight armor?

You cant use others, once its used it cant be used agin!

Did Samurais use armor?

They are famous for their armor.

What armor did the spanish use to fight against the Aztecs in 1519?

all sorts of armor! steel swords, cannons, and guns were some of the weapons though.

What did the Iroquois use for armor?

they used an symbolic eagle to look for danger or evil heading their way

What skills did ancient Hawaiian warriors have?

Ancient Hawaiians had many weapons, but they did not use bows because they used it only for hunting. Some weapons used were knives made of bone, wood, or rock.

Why did the plains Indians use every part of the buffalo they hunted?

They gathered the meat, then they use some of the bones for armor, ( i only know a few ) i don't know much but they used the tail bone or carvings

How did ned kelly make his armor?

He used the bit that u use for plough that digs and turns