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Presidential Disiablility + Succession

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Q: What was the 25th amendments name?
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When were the First ten amendments to the constitution are adopted?

September 25th, 1789

Identify the twentieth-century amendments that deal with voting rights?

The 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th amendments all deal with voting rights

In case the president is disabled the way the vice president becomes president is determined by the which amendments?

25th Amendment.

What is the name given to the Amendments that were adopted by the states and how many are there?

what is the name given to the Amendments that were adopted by the states and how many are there?

What was the name given for the Amendments three through twelve?

They were named the " The 12 Amendments."

What is the special name given to the 13th 14th and 15th amendments as a group?

The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments are called the reconstruction amendments

What is another name for the 25th percentile?

There is no other name for the 25th quartile. The 50th is known as the median though but the 75th quartile also doesn't have another name.

The bill of rights is another name for the first?

The Bill Of Rights is another name for the first 10 amendments, according to my research and knowledge.

What is the name of the first 10 amendments of the constitution?


What are the name of the twenty seven amendments?

The US Constitution.

The 13th 14th and 15th amendments are known as?

The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known collectively as the Civil War Amendments. They were designed to ensure equality for recently freed slaves.

Was the bill of rights added to the constitution first or the amendments?

The bill of rights were the first ten amendments, just another name for them.