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Q: What was the Boston tea party and British parliaments response to it?
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Which legislation did the british parliament pass in response to the Boston party?

the coercive acts, if you are referring to the Boston tea party.

The British Parliament passed The Intolerable Acts and closed the port of Boston in response to what?

The British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts and closed the port of Boston in response to the Boston Tea Party.

The British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts and closed the port of Boston in response to what event?

The British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts and closed the port of Boston in response to the Boston Tea Party.

The British Parliament enacted the Coercive Act in response to what event?

The Coercive Act was enacted in response to the Boston tea party

British parliament enacted the coercive act in response to what event?

The Coercive Act was enacted in response to the Boston tea party

The british passed the intolerable acts in response to the Boston massacre.True or false?

false it is caused by the Boston tea party

What was the british response to the Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Harbor was closed, and laws known as the Coercive or Intolerable acts were put in.

The British passed laws known as BLANK in response to the Boston Tea Party?

The Intolerable acts

Why did the parliaments pass the coercive acts?

To punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party.

Why did parliaments pass the coercive Acts?

To punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party.

What was the British government response to the Boston tea party?

The Boston Harbor was closed, and laws known as the Coercive or Intolerable acts were put in.

Passing the intoerable acts was reasonable response to the Boston tea party why or why not?

yes because what the british did was not right