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Q: What was the Greek goddess Artemis's crime and actions?
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Who were some of Greek goddess Artemis's friends in crime?

Artemis was not a goddess of crime, neither was she associated with criminals.

What does greek goddess Athena need to do?

watch over her city. fight crime. and deprive everything of evil

How do you say crime in Greek?

The Greek word for "Crime" is "έγκλημα".

What was Greek goddess Artemis's crime?

Artemis murdered Leimon, Niobe's six children, Aktaion, Orion, Otos and Ephialtes, Adois, Bouphagoes, Tityos, and Python.

What was the Greek goddess Artemis's crime?

Artemis murdered Leimon, Niobe's six children, Aktaion, Orion, Otos and Ephialtes, Adois, Bouphagoes, Tityos, and Python.

What does the Hindu goddess Sheba represent?

She is the goddess of death and destruction, in some cultures she is the goddess of hate and crime.

What was significant actions or crimes that the goddess Aphrodite done?

The significant action or crime that Aphrodite did was that she slept with many men during her marriage with Hepheastus. The most famous one is her many affa

How hard is it to find Demeter crimes in english not in greek?

Demeter was a Greek goddess of Law, titled as Thesmophorus and Thesmia. She did not commit "crimes". In the cases were she punished a mortal for offending her, it was "divine justice", the offender having commited the crime and she punishing them.

Who is the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology?

Lucina, I believe.Comment:Lucina is the Roman goddess of childbirth. We still need a Greek counterpart.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Greek goddess of childbirth is Hera.

What was the roman goddess Flora charged with?

Flora was the Roman personification of Spring, and her realm was that of flowering plants. Her closest Greek counterpart was the Nymph, Chloris (from whom we get the word chlorophyll).-Indiriel-----Nothing, Flora committed no crime in Roman myth.

Do crime and deviance refer to the same actions and behaviors?

Yes they are the same

What is implied intent?

Implied Intent is a term used in law to define actions of a defendant. Implied intent can be termed as those actions which describe actions of defendant with an intention to commit a crime