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Q: What was the NAACP and how did they form?
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What date did the NAACP form?

k.t appay to fee on tfws

Who helped to form NAACP and wrote the soul of black folks?

Ida B. Wells-Barnett, I think

When was NAACP found?

The NAACP was founded in 1909

Did Cesar Chavez form the NAACP?

No, Cesar Chavez formed the United Farm Workers. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was founded in 1908 on the anniversary of Lincoln's death. (see attached link.)

What is the NAACP email address?

Answer:NAACP does not list a email address.Answer:The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) lists all contact information on their website, which includes an email contact form. Please see related link.

Where did the NAACP take place?

The NAACP took place in 1960

What was Thurgood marshalls role in brown v. Board of education?

He was an attorney for the NAACP. - NovaNet.

In what year did the NAACP start?

where does the NAACP take plancewhat dates or time period does the NAACP occurred

Who funds the NAACP?

The NAACP is the one of several organizations which uses federal funding in the forms of grants and loans. However, most of NAACP's money probably comes from private businesses and individuals.

Noted african american intellectual and civil rights activist web dubois was a founding member of which orginization in 1910?

National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Whereis the national headquarters located for NAACP?

in the history

Where did NAACP start?

The NAACP was founded in 1909 in Baltimore, Maryland. The NAACP is a civil rights organization that champions rights for African-Americans.