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Q: What was the Second Vatican Council's point of view of the hierarchy of the Church?
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What was the Second Vatican Council changes on beverages in church?

The Second Vatican Council said nothing about beverages in Church.

What are some of the doctrines that came from the Second Vatican Council?

Catholic AnswerNone, the Second Vatican Council was a purely pastoral council. Unlike previous Councils, it made no rulings or clarifications on doctrine.

What did the second vatican council bring to the church?

The Second Vatican Council was only held fifty years ago, in the Church's history, that is practically overnight. The influence of the Second Vatican Council will not be able to be evaluated for another 50 to 100 years.

When did the catholic church start saying mass in English?

After the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II).

What is one doctrine that came from Vatican Council II?

There were exactly no doctrines defined at the Second Vatican Council. The Second Vatican Council was the first purely pastoral council ever held in the Church.

What language did the Second Vatican Council change in the Catholic church?

The language of the Church is Latin. Vatican II changed the Mass to be in the language of the people of the country. Latin remains the universal language of the church.

Can you remarry in Vatican 2 when you were previously married in Vatican 1?

No, Vatican Council I and II were Ecumenical Councils of the Church, they had nothing whatsoever to do with whether someone was validly married. That being said, there was a movement after Vatican Council II to try and see more factors which might possibly invalidate a marriage. However, to the best of my knowledge, the Holy Father has put a stop to this. Either way, you could never "remarry". The only time that you could have a second marriage was if they proved that the first marriage was not valid to begin with, thus the second marriage would not really be a second marriage.

What Were The Structural Changes Made as a consequence of the council known as vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council was a pastoral Council, it made no changes to Church doctrine, or to the structure of the Church itself.

What has been the function of ecumenical councils in the church history?

Ecumenical Councils, for the most part, have dealt with heresies, from the first one at Nicaea, which dealt with the Arian heresy through the Council of Trent, which dealt with the protestant heresy. that has been their main function, which a few notable exemptions, the Second Vatican Council dealt with no heresies, nor even any doctrinal issues, it was strictly a pastoral council. Unfortunately, due to the climate of the times, and the deep vein of Modernism which was running underground at the time, heresy followed that Second Vatican Council.

Why did the Second Vatican Council from?

Catholic AnswerLike all Ecumenical Councils of the Church, it was called by a Pope, in this case, Pope John XXIII. It is "from" the Holy Spirit, as the Holy Spirit guides the Church, guides the Holy Father, and, particularly in an Ecumenical Council, guides their decisions, which, if and when ratified by the Holy Father, are infallible decisions of the Magisterium, as these were by Pope Paul VI.

When were the Vatican Councils held?

The First Vatican Council was convoked December 8th, 1869 but was suspended in 1870 with the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War. The council never resumed and was finally formally closed in 1960. The Second Vatican Council opened October 11th, 1962 and was closed December 8th, 1965.

Who convoked the council of the Church in 1959?

Pope Blessed John XXIII convoked the Second Vatican Council.