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Women's rights movements is the movement women fought for their right.

**Pretty much. Here is a little history to go along with it:

During a good part of the 19th century women didn't have many of the rights they take for granted today. For example, women couldn't vote, own property, or keep their own earnings from a job. Part of this was due to what was called the "cult of domesticity." This idea encouraged women to be the keepers of the home and to take care of the family. Women were considered more refined and delicate than men, and were expected to be the moral conscience of the family. It was their responsibility to tame their "savage" and "brutish" husbands.

However, as women became more visible through their participation in the various reform movements of the time, women started to speak out against these restrictive roles. Lucretia Mott, became involved in women's rights when her all-female delegation was denied recognition at the London antislavery convention of 1840. Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who refused to allow the word "obey" in her marriage vows, Mott organized the Seneca Falls convention to discuss, as she put it "the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women". For this convention, they drafted a document titled the Declaration of Sentiments. It began, "All men and women are created equal," and called for many reforms, including the ability to speak out in public, to own property, and to be treated as equals. They also came up with a game plan for how they wanted to make these changes happen.

Other important figures in the women's rights movement included Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell who was the first woman to graduate from a medical college, and Lucy Stone, who kept her maiden name when she married.

Despite their hard work and the great strides these women made toward equality in the 1800s, women were unable to vote until the passing of the 19th amendment in 1920. In fact, it could be argued that women still do not have political or economic equality today as evidenced by women's current under-representation in politics and their lower earnings as compared to men.

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11y ago

The women wanted voting rights and equal representation. This was partly accomplished and then there was the Women's rights in the 50's so partly only half of the goals set was actucally accomplished. One of the leaders that helped this was the Alice Paul that was very powerful. Ironed Jaw Angles is a good movie to watch that helps get the point of the Women's Suffrage.

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