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Q: What was the affect austria Hungary annexation of bosnia and herzegovina?
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How did nationalism in Austria affect German expansion before World War 2?

Answer this question… It resulted in little Austrian opposition to the German annexation of Austria.

How did the assasination of Archduke Francis Ferdinard affect Europe?

The assassination started the diplomatic crisis that led to the outbreak of World War I. The Archduke was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary; Austria-Hungary blamed Serbians for helping with the assassination. After negotiations and ultimatums failed, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which set off a chain reaction of alliances that began the World War.

How did the division of austria-Hungary affect some ethnic groups in eastern Europe?

It let the ethnic groups have there own independence and freedom

How did post worlds war 1 treaties affect borders in Europe and Asia?

Austria and Hungary became two states, with considerably less territory than before the war.

How did post World War 1 treaties affect national borders in Europe and Asia?

Austria and Hungary became two states, with considerably less territory than before the war.

How did the conflict between Serbia and austria-Hungary affect World War 1?

military defeats led to internal unrest and the collapse of Austria-Hungary

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How did the U.S. presidential elections of 1844 affect Texas?

James K. Polk, a democrat, was elected. Polk annexation of Texas. His victory showed that most voters favored Texas annexation.

How did nationalism affect Germany and austria-Hungary?

In general, you could say that German nationalism tended to bring the country together, and the nationalism in Austria-Hungary tended to pull them apart. There was a much greater land area, much greater religious and cultural diversity, and a much greater overlap in people identifying with other countries and language differences in Austria-Hungary. Nationalism of course continued. After the dissolution Austrian Catholics were bonded together by religion, and although many of them were German, they didn't want to join with the protestants. German nationalism in Nazi Germany continued, and may have been a unifying experience for some, but at the expense of the ostracism and dehumanization of others.

How do Austria's physical features affect it?

Mountains are the most dominate physical feature of Austria. The Alps span across Austria and are a popular destination for both hikers and skiers.

How did absolutism affect the develpoment of France Prussia Russia and Austria?

It changed thedynMic

How did nationalism affect Germany and Austria differently?

In general, you could say that German nationalism tended to bring the country together, and the nationalism in Austria-Hungary tended to pull them apart. There was a much greater land area, much greater religious and cultural diversity, and a much greater overlap in people identifying with other countries and language differences in Austria-Hungary. Nationalism of course continued. After the dissolution Austrian Catholics were bonded together by religion, and although many of them were German, they didn't want to join with the protestants. German nationalism in Nazi Germany continued, and may have been a unifying experience for some, but at the expense of the ostracism and dehumanization of others.