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They started to make there own stuff like clothes and water

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Q: What was the affect of british taxation on the colonist as a whole?
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How did British taxation affect the colonies as a whole?

They farted too much and then it split the people up.

What was the effect of British taxation on the colonies as a whole-?

British uniting as Americans was the effect of their taxation on the colonists as a whole.

What was the effect of British taxatation on the colonies as a whole?

British uniting as Americans was the effect of their taxation on the colonists as a whole.

What was the effect of British text you in on the colonists Idaho?

uniting as Americans was the effect of British taxation on the colonists as a whole.

How did the slogan no taxation with out representation sum up the colonist reasons for protesting British policy?

The Americans felt that Parliament's laws couldn't touch them because they didn't have actual representation. They had virtual representation, meaning that every Parliament member represented the whole empire.

How much damage did the Revolutionary War cause?

It did a whole lot of damage to both groups because.the british had ugrade weqpons than the colonist but the colonist had their wiseness

What is the whole point for colonists to write the declaration of independence?

colonist wanted to govern them self they wanted freedom from great British

What was the effect of the british taxation on the colonies as a whole?

The British were mainly taxing the Massachusetts colony. They also closed down Boston Harbor. Then, no ships could go in or out. The other colonies helped the colony by sending them products. Taxation as a common complaint led to communication and cooperation among the separate colonies.

What was one effect of british taxation on the colonies as a whole?

The British were mainly taxing the Massachusetts colony. They also closed down Boston Harbor. Then, no ships could go in or out. The other colonies helped the colony by sending them products. Taxation as a common complaint led to communication and cooperation among the separate colonies.

Who did the Boston massacre gain support from?

The colonist, but the whole event was used as propaganda by the few colonist who wanted to start problems against the British troops. What a lot of people don't realize is that John Adams defended the troops who were put on trial for the event.

According to Jefferson what do the colonist object to about the way laws are made?

Jefferson and other revolutionaries had the battlecry "no taxation without representation". Really, they didn't want taxes. However, they felt that they needed to be directlyrepresented, which is how the United States is set up today. Parliament had indirect or virtual representation, that is, they represented the whole empire and did what they thought was good for the entire British Empire as opposed to the region they came from.

What are the fundamental principles of realty taxation in the government in the whole world?
