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Q: What was the alliance of greek city states under the leadership of Athens called?
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In 480bc the independent Greek city states formed an alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during their conflict with the?

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In 480 BC the independent greek city states formed an alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during the conflict with the?

The Persians

Greek city-states formed a alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during their conflict with who?

during the greeco-persian war...

In 480 bc the independent greek city states formed an alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during their conflict with the?

The Persians

In 480 b c the independent greek city states formed an alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during their conflict with the?

Persian Empire.

Why did the Delian League make an alliance?

It was based on 180 city-states in Asia Minor and the Islands which banded together against the Persian Empire under the leadership of Athens. When the Persian threat was resolved, opportunistic Athens converted it into an empire of its own.

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Who was the leader of powerful alliance of the Greek city states after the Persian war?


Why did many city states form an alliance against athens?

Many city states formed an alliance against Athens because they felt the Athenian's treated them as mere subjects. Athens is the capital of Greece.

The Delian league united greek city-states under the leadership of?


Athens and the nearby city-states formed an alliance after the Persian Wars. What was it called?

Today we call it the Delian League because its treasury was held at the island of Delos.

Why did many states form an alliance against Athens?

They wanted to punish the persians for attacking Greece