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The Allied Forces kept it simple even though it was complex to carry out this plan. They planned to invade with hundreds of thousands of troops, six hundred ships and hundreds of planes. They pre-bombed all along the coast of France. Their brilliant plan was to deceived the Nazis into thinking they would land in Calais rather than Normandy. They did this with exceptional success. So they utilized LAND, SEA AND AIR to attack and surprise the Nazis. They had already been rendering their enemy unable to wage war very well. The Nazis had a fool for a military leader and that helped the allied forces on both the Eastern and Western Fronts. So they took in tons of troops from the east too. No escape for the Nazis when the Allied Forces were swarming like ants on both fronts at the same time. Brilliant plan! What was their other great plan? Keep the troops supplied! They brought in ship load after ship load of supplies, food, medical gear, oil, armament and military vehicles. This beat the Nazis hands down.

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Q: What was the allied plan to beat Germany?
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Nova Net Final Test Answer: Germany was divided into four zones that would be controlled by allied nations.

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