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Q: What was the average numbers of babies that the seminole Indians had?
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How did the Cherokee Indians have babies?

they had sex... >_

Whatb is the total numbers of babies in the world?

456,000,000 babies

Average number of babies for animals?

The average number of babies differs for each species of animals. It can range from anywhere from 1 to 12 babies, or more.

How many babies can a Campbell hamsters have?

All hamsters can have 5 - 12 babies with the average of 10 babies.

How many babies can a elephant have at a time?

they can have upto two babies but the average is one

How many babies can a skink have?

The average skink can have 5-15 babies a year.

What are facts about the pacific northwest Indians?

Thde babies were carried in mothers backs

What did the coastal Indians build houses of?

The bones of babies who were ripped from the enemy tribeswomen

How many babies will an elephant have in a lifetime?

The number of babies that an elephant will have in a lifetime will vary. On average they will have about 5 babies in their life.

How many babies can a have at once?

A hamster can have up to 16 babies at once but the average hamster has about 3-10 babies