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Q: What was the biggest legacy from Jewish people to humanity?
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What happened if the Jewish people were caught by the danish resistance?

the danish people pulled together to save the entire Jewish community. the only people who reserved their humanity in the face of the nazi horror

How have religions reshaped humanity?

When Jesus tried to have Jewish people worship him, and they refused, Christanity praised instead.

Was the holacaust real?

yes it is real it was the biggest tragedy for the Jewish people

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if you people love each other and families are ready then you can marry , Love is the biggest religion and humanity is the biggest faith.

What was the name given to the extermination of Jews by Hitler?

* Final Solution [of the Jewish question] * Holocaust

How does habitat for humanity help people?

Habitat fr Humanity provides services to people with disabilities.

How did these injustices undermine their humanity?

These injustices undermine their humanity because people fighting each other isn't going to create a good humanity just a humanity where people are fighting each other.

Did Hitler use Nuremberg trials to persecute Jewish people?

No. The nuremberg trials were held after the war, when several of the officers were take to court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

What country had the most Jewish people living in it during the Holocaust?

In August 1939, on the eve of World War 2 Poland had about 3.3 million Jews. It had easily the biggest Jewish population in Europe.

Why did hitler killed all the jewish peaople?

Hitler believed that the native Germans, the 'Aryan race', was the dominant, superior race of people. In this field of thought, he saw the Jewish people as so inferior, they were subhuman. By eliminating this inferior, weaker race, he believed that humanity as a whole could grow stronger.

What is the legacy your parents generation has left behind?

The legacy of racist people.

What does the cliche 'mass of humanity' mean?

Humanity is all of us homo sapiens or people. A mass is a large number. "Mass of humanity" is just a cliche way of saying a lot of people.