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The largest spider species ever recorded was 5 and 1/2 pounds and 12 inches in diameter, or about the size of a very large mans hand. It was discovered by a Naggerman on the banks of the Nile river in 1984; where it had devoured half the face, bones, and all, of an aborted goat fetus.

The "Giganticusarachniae" is capable of a devastating bite that renders it's victims totally paralyzed. Soon without use of the lungs the food source dies of asphyxiation. At this point the "Giganticusarachniae" produces an incredibly acidic phyto toxic type of drool secretion that, much like bleach or acid will, in a relatively short time, eat through almost anything. The "Giganticusarachniae" is also capable of jumping a meter high, and a meter long while facing in any direction. Meaning; even while facing forwards the "Giganticusarachniae" can jump 3 feet backwards, sideways, forwards or up!

**The adult bite of a "Giganticusarachniae" is capable of incapacitating an adult male Bovine weighing upwards of 1500 pounds. 100 Spiders could devour a 1500lb bovine in TEN DAYS! Each spider being capable of eating 1-2pounds of food per day!

If you think you've seen one use extreme caution and stay at a safe distance (10-12ft). Call the WORLDHEALTHORGANIZATION or DEFCON5 immediately at 1-888-EWEARDUM

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Q: What was the biggest tarantula species ever recorded in history?
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Which tarantula is the biggest tarantula?

There are many species of tarantula that grow to sizes over a 9 or 10 inch Diagonal Leg Span (DLS). Commonly the L parahybana (Salmon Pink Birdeater) and the T blondi are considered to be the largest. There are recorded T blondi with DLS in excess of 11".

What species does a tarantula belong to?

Tarantulas are a family, not a species.

How big are tarantulas?

Various species of tarantulas (there are over 900) have various adult sizes. The largest (including the aptly named Goliath birdeater) are up to 12 inches across (30 cm) and weigh nearly a third of a pound (150 grams). Most familiar species, some kept as pets, are about half that size.

What is the size of a tarantula?

A Tarantula can be 3-12 inches depending upon species .

What is a tarantula's animal species?


What is the number of offspring pregnancy for tarantulas?

depending on the species of tarantula anywhere from 50-2000 eggs are laid so the number differs greatly from one species of tarantula to another . there is over 900 species of tarantula which explains the big difference .

What are the natural predators of the cobalt blue tarantula?

The cobalt blue tarantula is one of the most aggressive and fast tarantula species. The wasp are the tarantula’s predator except from humans.

What is an atypical tarantula?

An atypical tarantula is a form of tarantula, also known as the purseweb spider, a group of spiders comprising three genera and 43 species.

What species is a tarantula?

its not actually a spider it's a myglomorph

Is the black widow brown recluse or tarantula make the best pet?

A tarantula will be the best out of the three of them because their venom is the least potent and the tarantula is the least aggressive depending on the species,the chaco golden knee and the pinktoe tarantulas are known to be calm.But if you have to choose between a black widow or a brown recluse a black widow is better because there not fast runners,but never keep a black widow or a brown recluse because there has been recorded deaths from them but no recorded deaths on tarantula bites,so even if the tarantula is more expensive its the one that wont be able to kill you,although make sure your not allergic of bee stings or a tarantula bite can be fatal

What is a terrestrial tarantula?

Any species of tarantula that is considered ground dwelling, rather than living in trees (arboreal)

What is the most common Tarantula habitat?

There are 900 species of tarantula which means they are in every type of environment.