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Q: What was the british practice of stopping American ships at sea forcing the sailors to serve in the british navy called?
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What word refers to the British practice of forcing American sailor into the service of the British navy?

Impressment is forcing American sailors into joining the British Navy.

What word refers to the British practice of forcing American sailors into service of the British navy?

Impressment is forcing American sailors into joining the British Navy.

What word refers to the British practice of forcing American sailors into the service of the service of the British navy?

Press or press-gang.

When England was forcing US sailors to work in the british navy this was called?

Americans were angered by the British practice of impressment which American sailors were forced into the British navy.

Why did the US declare war on Britain in the 1812?

The United States declared war on Britain in 1812 because the British were seizing American ships. Britain was trying to stop American from trading with France.

What was the practice called where Americans were forced into service with the British navy?

Impressment is the term used to denote the forcing of American sailors into the British navy/

The use of gas rationing would be an example of the government forcing the American people to practice?

Conservation and restraint.

What term describes the British policy of taking American sailors and forcing them to work in British ships?

its also called impressment .

The War of 1812 began because the British were interfering with American trade and for what other reason?

The War of 1812 began because the British were not only interfering with American trade, but they were also impressing American seaman. This means that the British were forcing the American seaman to join the British military.

What was the leading motive for the War of 1812?

impressment of American sailors and forcing them to serve in the British royal navy

Which European power used the practice of impressment against American sailors?

England. In the early 1800's, England was involved in a war with France and there was a shortage of manpower in England. So, they resorted to stopping American ships and forcing some of their crews into service with them. This was one of the main causes of the War of 1812 between the U.S. and England.

The british withdrew from Boston in 1776 after?

The British withdrew from Boston in 1776 after American troops, led by General Thomas, secured Dorchester Heights with fortifications and cannons. The American forces could hit any British ship in the harbor from this location forcing the British to withdraw.