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Stagflation is an economics term used to describe the situation when you have a stagnant economy (no job growth) but high unemployment and high inflation. This is usually caused by an increase in the total labor force. There is just too many people in the workforce and not enough jobs available.

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The cause of stagflation was the oil crisis which caused an inflation in prices and higher unemployment rate.

Source: e2020 Topic Test Review

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Higher rates of inflation, decrease in business productivity, high unemployment

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This is called inflation or more precisely "price inflation".

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none, stagflation has only existed in the 1970's as a phenomena created by external factors. we are constantly in danger of stagflation when unemployment is high and external forces create tension in the markets, but following classical economic theories recession and inflation are mutually exclusive.

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Stagfation was an economic term referring to?

Stagflation was an economic condition in which unemployment was high, the economy was stagnant, but prices were rising (inflation).

What does the term stagflation reference in financial terms?

The term, stagflation, means a condition where unemployment is high, and thus, economic growth is slow. Inflation increases at a greater rate than the economy, usually making it difficult for people to keep up with rising prices.

What happened to the economy during stagflation?

Higher rates of inflation, decrease in business productivity, high unemployment

How did the embargo by the organization of petroleum exporting countries cause stagflation?

Oil prices increased