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it was like touture because they lived in dirt

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Q: What was the childhood like for the peasants and the nobility?
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What was childhood like for peasants and the nobility during the middle ages?

lots of hard work nobility was taught for knight hood and ladies in waiting serfs how do work

What was childhood like for peasants?

really bad.

What did the nobility eat in Medieval Times?

Peasants, the birds.

Who were the members of 3 estates?


What are the three estates of renaissance society?

The clergy, the nobility, and the peasants.

What was the name of the richer peasans?

There are no "richer" peasants. There was nobility and then there was everyone else.

What does the feudalism chart look like?

Feudalism is ordered as follows. First the peasants produce goods, then the knights protect and extort the peasants, and finally the nobility and clergy survive off collections made by the knights.

What is a feudal hierarchy?

Nobility (king, knights) Church Peasants Serf/slave

What were three estates into which Renaissance society was divided?

The nobility, middle class, and peasants or lower class.

What were the social classes of Mayan society?

The four broad social classes were: ruling, nobility, peasants, and slaves.

What document represented to the English nobility a written guarantee of the traditional rights and privilege's they always enjoyed?

This was given to the nobles and was called the Magna Carta. The peasants didn't get anything like that.

What taxes did french peasants pay?

The french peasants paid royal taxes, tithes to the church, and manorial dues to the lords