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Q: What was the climate where the Mandan tribe lived?
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Where is mandan tribe located?

the Mandan Indian tribe was located at the corner of an indian country........

Is it true that the Mandans lived in North Dakota?

Yes, the Mandan tribe lived along the banks of the Missouri River in North Dakota and South Dakota. In contrast to other Siouan language tribes, the Mandan developed a settled culture. You can still visit the On-A-Slant Mandan village south of Mandan, North Dakota.

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they lived in a dry climate...since they lived in a desert...

Mandan Indians use buffalo?

The mandan tribe did use the buffalo

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The climate that the pawnee tribe lived in was very hot and dry because they live in desserts

What climate did the Mandan's live in?

meleah sparks is the climate

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the seminole lived in the everglades in florida.

What tribe was the mosr important in the upper Missouri region?

No single tribe was "most important" in that area; each was equal to the others and lived in much the same way. Tribes included the Mandan, Arikara and Hidatsa.

What is the Dakota tribe known for?

It was also known as Mandan.

What is the climate in Assiniboine?

Thinking you mean in Minnesota where the Assinibone tribe lived, the climate is warm in the summer, but cold and snowy in the winter.

Where do the Mandan Tribe live now?

Yes, the Mandan tribe is part of the Three Affiliated Tribes or the MHA Nation located on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

Where was the first place that Lewis and Clark went?

Fort Mandan. They named it after a friendly tribe named the Mandan, who live nearby