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Q: What was the coastal district south of Jewish Palestine called?
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The coastal district north of Jewish Palestine was called?


What was the coastal district north of Jewish Palestine called?

Perhaps the question refers to the nation of Israel. If that's the case, then the northern political district, which borders Lebanon and includes the city of Nazareth, is labeled "Northern District" on the political map of Israel.

What is the significance of Palestine to judaism and Hebrew people?

"Palestine" is the name the Romans gave to Israel after they expelled the Jews in 70 CE. Israel was and still is the Jewish homeland.The Romans chose the name "Palestine" after an enemy of the Jewish people, called the Philistines.

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The Balfour Declaration promised a homeland for which ethnic group?

The Balfour Declaration of November 1917 promised to establish a Jewish home (not homeland) in Palestine.

What was the Arab hope for palestine?

The Arabs wanted a unitary independent Arab State to be created called Palestine and would refuse the creation of any Jewish State in the region.

What is the relation between Philistine and Palestine?

The land where the Philistines lived was called Philistia (due to the Philistine's residency there). After the Jewish Revolts, the Romans decided to use the name Palaestina, a derivative of Philistia, to refer to all of the Jewish and non-Jewish areas in order to weaken the Jewish connection to the land. (Previously, it was called Judea.) It is from Palaestina that the British took the name Palestine and made it the name of the Mandate that they administered in the same area.

What was the Arab hope for Palestine at the end of World War 2?

The Arabs wanted a unitary independent Arab State to be created called Palestine and would refuse the creation of any Jewish State in the region.

What kinds of communities did early Jewish settlers establish in Palestine?

The Jewish Settlement in general was called the "Yishuv". The Yishuv built a number of independent, communal, agricultural settlements called "Kibbutzim". There were also a number of more typical towns and hybrid settlements called "Moshavim".

What movement called for the establishment of a Jewish country?

zionism - "the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims."

How did the Romans influence palestine?

After the second Jewish revolt, Rome expelled the Jews from Jerusalem, enslaved many of the survivors of the rebellion, leveled Jerusalem and renamed it, and combined the former Roman provinces the region into a new land called Palestine. So, you could say that Rome created Palestine, or at least, they named it.