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Q: What was the colonial reaction to the British policy of taxation during the prerevolutionary period?
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Why were the pioneers unhappy with the British and colonial governments?

Taxation without Representation

What was one cause of the colonial unhappiness with British rule in 1776?

Unfair taxation policies

Which british colonial policies led to early colonial rebellion?

Navigation acts, taxation acts (stamp act, tea act) , decloratory acts,

How was the colonial boycotts an example of taxation without represenation?

The colonial boycotts were an example of taxation without representation because the British imposed new tax laws without anybody from the colonies to represent them in Britain. They had no say in any new laws, or acts, that the British imposed on them. It would kind of be like if Michigan had no representatives in Congress (which means no say in our government) and had to abide by laws they had no say in.

Growing colonial resentment of british authority during the 1760's could b e attributed to?

increased taxation and increased intrusion by Britain.

What could the british have done to prevent the Americans reaction to taxes?

They could have allowed the colonies to have representation in the British Parliament. The colonists would not have minded taxation as much had there been representation from the colonies.

What was the effect of British taxation on the colonies as a whole-?

British uniting as Americans was the effect of their taxation on the colonists as a whole.

British attempts to tax the colonies with laws like the Townshend Acts were resisted by the colonists because?

the revenues fromt the taxation would go to support British officials and judges in America

Why did the British colonist march on Lexington and Concord?

British general Thomas Gage had heard that the colonial militia had a major weapon storehouse there. In reaction, he sent his soldiers to destroy it.

What slogan did the coloniests use to show their irritation with the British Parliament?

They used the slogan "No taxation without representation" against the British as they had nobody to represent them in the British Parliament.

Why were british trooops sent to Boston?

To enforce the Townshend Act(s): tariffs and taxation on the new colonies and to punish prior insubordinate activities committed by the colonial state and city governments.

Who spoke out taxation without representation?

The British colonists in America before the War of Independence (no taxation without representation /in the British Parliament/).