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Q: What was the conditions like in west Africa when the got enslaved?
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What did the kings in West Africa do for ther people?

They enslaved them and sold them to the overseas slave traders.

Why did the Gullah appear in South Carolina?

In the South enslaved Africans varied, so they ones that were enslaved kept the customs of West Africa. One of the customs was speaking Gullah, a special dialect that was created on the west cost of Africa during slave times.

Which part of Africa were the most enslaved people taken from?

The tribes of West Africa made war on and captured their neighbors and sold them into slavery.

Where did most enslaved africans live?

Most enslaved Africans came from places such as Ashanti,IBO,akan and Igbo.

Were the slaves of west Africa Jews?

No, the slaves of West Africa were not primarily Jews. The majority of slaves transported from West Africa during the transatlantic slave trade were native Africans of various ethnic groups. While there were enslaved Africans who practiced Judaism, the overall population of slaves from West Africa consisted of people from diverse cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds.

Why did the slave trade west Africa continue to grow?

West Africa was also home to many enslaved Africans brought to the americans The trends sharan salve trade contributed to the power of Ghana,Mali,and Songhai

What was the name giving to the triangular trade route where enslaved Africans were shipped to the west indies?

Africa received man-made goods from Britain such as guns and ammunition

The way jamaicans Africans ancestors lived in West Africa is?

Enslaved Africans came primarily from a region stretching from the Senegal River in northern Africa to Angola in the South. Jamaicians are largely of mixed race and West African descent.

What was the first European nation to enslave West Africans?

West Africa in the 1400s was home to variety of long-established, sophisticated societies. Most of the enslaved people brought to the Americas in the centuries that followed came from this region, especially from the coats. Their traditions and beliefs, born in Africa. West Africa in the 1400s was home to variety of long-established, sophisticated societies. Most of the enslaved people brought to the Americas in the centuries that followed came from this region, especially from the coats. Their traditions and beliefs, born in Africa. ............................................................................................................................................. i believe it was the French or the Portuguese...

Why did colonists in need of cheap labor turn to slaves from West Africa?

Colonists turned to slaves from West Africa for cheap labor due to the high demand for workers in industries like agriculture and mining. African slaves were seen as a cheap and readily available labor source, as well as being physically suited to the harsh conditions of labor in the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade provided an efficient means for bringing large numbers of enslaved people to the colonies.

What technology was in the west Africa in the 1500s?

the technology in west Africa in the 1500's was like they used lantern's for light

What is the housing like in West Africa?
