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Q: What was the congressional act that opposed the extension of slavery into any territory ceded by Mexico was?
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In 1860 the Republican Party did what?

opposed the extension of slavery

Who thought that slavery was wrong and opposed its extension?

Frederick Douglass

Who opposed the extension of slavery?

Abraham Lincoln. That was why the Southern states rebelled.

What is true of slavery in the US before the Civil War?

the north opposed the extension of slavery into new states

What is true of the slavery in the U.S before the civil war?

The North opposed the extension of slavery into new states.

Is true of slavery in the U.S. before the Civil War?

The North opposed the extension of slavery into new states.

What is true of slavery in the U.S. before the Civil War?

The North opposed the extension of slavery into new states.

Congressional author of resolution forbidding slavery in territory acquired from Mexico?

David Wilmot

Which of the following is true of slavery in the US before the Civil War?

the north opposed the extension of slavery into new states

What were the beliefs of the free soil party?

They opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories.Below is a link with more info.united-states-free-soil-party

What were the congressional republicans who opposed Lincoln's handlinsh of the war and the slavery issue called?

Copperheads.Congressional republicans who opposed Lincoln's handling of the war and the slavery issue were called radicals. Those that were willing to have peace at any price were called copperheads.

Was Lincoln opposed to slavery?

Definitely. Lincoln always disliked slavery for many reasons and that is why he made slavery illegal in all places of the northern territory.