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The continental army of the Civil war was the army of the Continental United States. The main, and best (he won many battles) soldier was General George McClellan.

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THE ANSWER BELOW IS WRONG. The continental army was the army that fought the revolution starting in 1776 against the British. Washington was the commander of American forces.

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Q: What was the continental army and who was in charge of it?
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Why was George Washington in charge of American army?

The Continental Congress appointed him Commanding General of the Continental Army

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The general in charge of the Continental Army was General George Washington. He was the leader of this army during the Revolutionary War.

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George Washington left Philadelphia right away to take charge of his army, which had already fought its first major battle.

What was Continental army like when Washington took charge?

George Washington left Philadelphia right away to take charge of his army, which had already fought its first major battle.

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George Washington was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War against Britain.

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George Washington.

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Britain was an established army. The Continental Army was not.

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General Washington was a general because the Continental Congress gave him that rank when it placed him in charge of the army.

George Washington was in charge of 1French army 2Indian army 3Continental army?

In the French and Indian wars, George Washington was in charge of the British army, While the question you just asked, He got help from a French person who finanncly aided the army, the Indians also helped due to bad reservations and better goverment, and Washington was in charge of the Continental Army. Became the first president without a election.

What is the relationship of Washington and Continental Army?

he was the leader/commander of the Continental army

What was the name of the first colonial army?

It's generally referred to as the Colonial Army or the Continental Army.