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Echo was cursed by Hera to repeat what is said; she loved Narcissus and faded as her love could not be expressed; the suffering of his lovers both Echo and the youth Ameinias brought about Nemesis, who saw that though others loved him he could only love himself and so cursed him to love his own image.

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Q: What was the curse of echo to narcissus?
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If Echo had her power of speech how could she possibly curse Narcissus?

Echo was cursed by Hera. Echo was in love with Narcissus and would not want to curse him. Some say he was cursed by Nemesis, who made him fall in love with his own reflection.

Why might Narcissus be so cruel to Echo in the story Echo and Narcissus?

Echo's chattering allowed Zeus to have a affair behind Hera's back, this caused Hera to curse Echo to repeat only the last words another person had spoken.

How are echo and narcissus different?

For one thing Echo was a girl and Narcissus was a boy. Another thing was that Narcissus was very cruel to Echo.

Who is the main character in echo and narcissus?

There are actually four main characters in the story of Echo and Narcissus: Zeus, Hera, Echo, Narcissus.

Which nymph was spurned by narcissus?

The nymph that was spurned by Narcissus was Echo.

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his crime was he hurt echo

Goddess echo narcissus and pan were they in love with the same person minning echo?

-echo was a nymph who loved narcissus -narcissus loved himself -pan loves echo -narcissus died cause he wouldn't stop looking at himself to eat -echo died of depression from losing narcissus -pan continued his life as a god

What is the resolution of echo and narcissus?

Echo fades, Narcissus dies and becomes the flower we know today.

What were narcissus strengths?

some weaknesses for echo and narcissus

Is Echo a girl or boy?

Echo is a girl. Narcissus is a boy. Echo could only repeat the last words. Narcissus died.

Who punishes Echo and why in Echo and Narcissus from Ovid's?

Hera punished Echo, for aiding and abetting Zeus in his infidelity. Aphrodite punished Narcissus for breaking Echo's heart.

Is the story of Narcissus and Echo a myth?

Yes. The story of Echo and Narcissus is a flower myth from Greek mythology.