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i have no clue so ask some one els ok! i am not a computer i am a human look it up in a book or something are you thick ?

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Q: What was the death rate of smallpox before the vaccination in 1796?
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Where was the smallpox vaccine invented?

The process of vaccination was firstpublicizedbyEdward Jennerin 1796

Who discover smallpox vaccination?

The discoverer of this particular vaccine was Edward Anthony Jenner. The first time it was used was in 1796 in England.

What year did edward Jenner discover smallpox?

In 1796, he injected an 8 year old boy with cowpox, a less lethal form of the small pox. This created an immunization to smallpox and was coined the first vaccination.

Where did edward Jenner discover smallpox?

In 1796, he injected an 8 year old boy with cowpox, a less lethal form of the small pox. This created an immunization to smallpox and was coined the first vaccination.

How Edward Jenner found vaccination?

Observation and deductive reasoning. Smallpox was a scourge during Jenner's time, but he noticed that milkmaids contracted a very mild illness similar to smallpox called "cowpox", from which they recovered easily. He postulated that a tiny bit of the cowpox serum could be injected into a well person, and the mild cowpox might protect them from the deadly smallpox. It worked.

When did Edward Jenner develop the technique of vaccination?

Edward Jenner in 1796 used the cowpox virus (vaccinia) to confer protection against smallpox, a related virus, in humans. Prior to this use, however, the principle of vaccination was applied by Asian physicians who gave children dried crusts from the lesions of people suffering from smallpox to protect against the disease.

Why did the watchtower teach the Jehovah witnesses that a vaccination never prevented anything and never will when smallpox was world threatening while E Jenner yet in 1796 had a vaccine?

That is a lie that was spread through means of apostacy.

When and how did Edward Jenner discover the smallpox vaccine?

in 1796,

When did Edward Jenner get smallpox?

he didn't get it but he did cure it in 1796

Who discovered vaccination?

In 1718, Lady Mary Wortley Montague reported that the Turks have a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own children.Before Edward Jenner tested the possibility of using the cowpox vaccine as an immunisation for smallpox in humans in 1796 for the first time, at least six people had done the same several years earlier. In 1796 Edward Jenner inoculated using cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly smallpox virus). Pasteur and others built on thisIn 1718, Lady Mary Wortley Montague reported that the Turks have a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own children.Before Edward Jenner tested the possibility of using the cowpox vaccine as an immunisation for smallpox in humans in 1796 for the first time, at least six people had done the same several years earlier. In 1796 Edward Jenner inoculated using cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly smallpox virus). Pasteur and others built on this

Who developed the smallpox vaccine?

The first known cases of smallpox go back to 1350 BC and the disease has been known for a very long time. Dr. Campbell identified how smallpox is spread. Edward Jenner is credited with developing the smallpox vaccine in 1796.See the Web Links to the left for more information about the history of smallpox.