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The total was 13 million soldiers killed and 17 million civilians killed

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Q: What was the death toll for soldiers and civilians for world war 1?
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What is the total death in wars?

the total death toll in a war is soldiers and civilians combined

How many Americans soldiers died during World War 2?

Death Toll of Americans in WWIIThe death toll of Americans was an estimated 406,000 soldiers dead during WWII.

How did illness add to the death toll during the last months of the war?

The war ended in 1918. That coincided with the outbreak of Spanish Influenza. The outbreak turned into an epidemic. The death toll of both soldiers and civilians increased drastically because of the disease.

What was the number of deaths after world war 2?

It Is Estimated That The Death Toll Was Around 62-78 Million Death toll estimates of military casualties and civilians range from 60 million, to 260 million.

How many people were killed in the Iran-Iraq war?

At least 600,000 people lost their lives (300,000 Iranian soldiers, 150,000 Iraqi soldiers, and 150,000 civilians). The real death toll is probably closer to 2,000,0000 dead (800,000 Iranian soldiers, 350,000 Iraqi soldiers, 200,000 civilians, 200,000 genocide victims, and other miscellaneous deaths).

What was the total civilian death toll in World War 2?

other 50 million other 45 million allies civilians other 5 million axis civilians This is because the Soviets killed 21 million of it own civilians

How US soldiers died in World War 2?

approximately 500,000 the casualities were 936,259 the death toll casualities were 936,259

What was the casualties of World War 2 war?

During World War 2 the total casualty lost by Axis were about 53.25 Million and 21.75 Million by the Allies. Making a total of about 75 Million death Casualties in WW2. If you include people who were WIA or MIA then the total is about extra 22.53 Million. WIA= Wounded In Action MIA - Missing In Action

How many people were in the war in world war 2?

Hundreds of millions were in the war in WWII. The latest figures on the entire death toll is sixty one million civilians and military servicemen.

Death toll World War 2 Britain?

The total death toll for the United Kingdom in WW2 was 450,400

What was the death toll in Ww1?

The Death Toll Was Around 20,000 Each Day And At The End Of World War 1 Around 6,000,000,000 Death's

How people died in world 1and2?

World War I and World War II resulted in millions of deaths due to a combination of factors including combat, bombings, disease, and starvation. Soldiers and civilians were killed in battles, airstrikes, and concentration camps, with some estimates putting the total death toll at over 80 million people combined for both wars.