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Part of the reason why slavery was different from work in the factories was that slaves never got paid. Though conditions in the Northern factories were terrible, at least they were given a salary with which they could buy things. There was a reward for their work. They were also considered voting citizens who had at least marginal control over the political fate of the country, and come before the Supreme Court to settle disputes. Slaves never had any of those rights, especially after the Dred Scott v. Sanford case in 1857

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Q: What was the difference and similarities between slaves on cotton plantations and workers in northern factories?
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How were Northern mills and Southern plantations connected?

The Southern plantations were connected to the Northern mills because without the Southern plantations, the Northern Factories would have no crop to turn into products. For example, cotton would be picked by the slaves on the Southern plantations, and then be brought up to the Northern factories in order to mass produce such things like clothing. This occurred especially during the time of the Industrial Revolution when factories were becoming more abundant and the deskilling of laborers was rising. Resulting from the Industrial Revolution, many people and immigrants sought factory work, and this also increased the amount of slaves that were needed. Also, such things like the Lowell Mill came about, and the Interchangeable parts flourished.

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The Northern economy had factories and manufacturing jobs, while the South was primarily agricultural (farms and plantations).

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The slaves tried to resist the northern soldiers descending upon their plantations.

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Because the plantations could use slave labour, but the Northern factory-based system was not suited to it. The factories needed mobile, skilled labour.

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plantations plantations ^wrong industries -jackie

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The northern factories was known as 90 "the nation's manufacturing output."

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The workers of the northern factories had to work for many hours and had little rest.

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The middle colonies were in between the northern colonies and southern colonies, and they did not depend on slaves as much as the southern colonies. And it was nicknamed the bread basket colonies. The southern colonies depended on slaves and was mostly made up of huge plantations. There wasn't really anything else... Similarities: They were both made up of Americans, both in the New England colonies, ruled by a king, and both are along a coast.

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North of Us: industrialized, small numbers of slaves, mostly traders, factories, factory workers; the South: plantations depending on 3 million black slaves' work.The owners felt themselves as nobles.

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