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The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

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Archibald Bernier

Lvl 10
2y ago

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

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Nelle Bednar

Lvl 10
2y ago

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

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Erin Hand

Lvl 10
2y ago

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

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Hunter Quitzon

Lvl 13
2y ago

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

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Wilhelmine Rolfson

Lvl 13
2y ago

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

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Joe Johnston

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Jo mama

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What were some of the provisions of the Clayton Act?

forbidding discrimination in price, services, or facilities between customers; (2) determining that antitrust laws were not applicable to labor organizations; (3) prohibiting requirements that customers buy additional items in order to obtain products

What is the difference between North American and US?

What is the difference between North American and US?AnswerCanada.

What was the difference between Sherman and Johnston surrender terms to Grant's and lee?

Grant told Lee that if his men handed in their weapons and went home, they would not be persecuted. These were simply his terms for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. Sherman told Johnston that the cabinet was willing to negotiate with the existing Southern state governments in respect of all Confederate units, and he set out the terms under which the Southern sector would live. This was a Peace Treaty, and it went far beyond what any General was allowed to authorise. Grant immediately ordered Sherman to cancel it and declare war again. Johnston sensibly re-surrendered on the same terms Grant had given Lee.

What is Roger Sherman's great compromise?

Roger Sherman's great compromise of 1787, was an agreement between small and large states reached during the Philadelphia convention of 1787; That in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the united states government/constitution.

What was the last battle between the north and south?

Bentonville, North Carolina, where Sherman defeated Joe Johnston in April 1865. After this, there were only a few isolated skirmishes.

Related questions

What was a difference between the Sherman Clayton antitrust acts?

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

What was the difference between sherman and clayton antitrust acts?

Jo mama

What was a difference between the sherman which corporate antitrust acts?

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

What was a difference between Sherman and Clayton antitrust act?

The Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to stop trusts from ever forming.apex=)

What was a difference between the shermen and clayton antitrust acts?

The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890 to prevent monopolies and business practices that restricted competition, while the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 further strengthened antitrust laws by prohibiting certain anticompetitive practices like price discrimination and exclusive dealing. Essentially, the Clayton Act provided more specific guidelines and expanded on the principles established by the Sherman Act.

What was the difference between the Sherman and Clayton acts?

Jo mama

What was the chief effect of the Sherman antitrust?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What was the effect of the sherman antitrust act?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What was the chief effect of the sherman antitrust act?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What legislation was passed during the gilded age to regulate monopolies and railroads?

1887: The Interstate Commerce Act which attacked monopolies and competition. 1890: Sherman Antitrust Act which attacked contracts made between businesses.

What were some of the provisions of the Clayton Act?

forbidding discrimination in price, services, or facilities between customers; (2) determining that antitrust laws were not applicable to labor organizations; (3) prohibiting requirements that customers buy additional items in order to obtain products

What was the biggest difference between the patent office in 1790 and 1890?

In the intervening years, the patent office had become part of the State Department, and then the Department of the Interior. The 1835 fire had destroyed at least two-thirds of their records, so applications were required in duplicate. The bigger difference was in how patents were viewed by the general population; mistrust of patents in the late 1800s meant that people viewed them as a way to create a monopoly, which contributed to the unanimous passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act.