

What was the different between puritans and separatists?

Updated: 9/12/2021
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6y ago

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Puritans wanted to change the English church. Separatists wanted to rebel against it.

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Reuben Corwin

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2y ago
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14y ago

A separatist is someone who wants to break away from current practice.

A puritan is a specific type of Christian who believes that religious institutions (historically Roman Catholicism) have corrupted the worship of God. They tend to believe that people should return to a purer form of worship and foster a more personal connection with God.

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8y ago

More specifically, the Puritans were those members of the Anglican Church who sought to remain in the state church while purifying it of various types of corruptions that they saw. The Separatists were Protestants who wanted to make a clean break from the official monarchy religion. These people believed the Church of England was totally corrupt.

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