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There were 3 different crowns. Upper Egyptian pharaohs wore a crown which was white and resembled a Bowling pin. Lower Egyptian pharaohs wore a red crown that resembled a chair. After Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt, the pharaohs wore a double crown which was both of the crowns combined.

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Q: What was the different types of crowns pharaohs wore?
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What kind of crowns did pharaohs wear?

They wore the double crown, of the north and south. And occasoinally they wore another crown when they went into battle. you may want to read more about pharoahs here:

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the pharaohs

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What did Pharaoh wear to symbolize he was ruler of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt?

The pharaohs did not so much as wear special clothing as they would wear their crowns. the white and red combination crowns which connoted the united upper and lower kingdoms and also the uraeus which could have been attached the crown or worn alone.

What did Ramses wear?

Ramses the Second wore what other typical pharaohs wore in Egypt. He likely wore a loin cloth and a lot of jewelry and head adornments.

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What exactly did princesses wear?

the princess wore beautiful long dresses. big and puffy with crowns that made their head get a headache and high heels. but the little princesses wore flat shoes with kind of long dresses and little crowns with real diamond's.