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Q: What was the direct cause of revolt of the evil fairies?
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What is the narrator personal tragedy in the revolt of the evil fairies?

Read it and you'll find out.

What is the internal and external in the revolt of the evil fairies?

In the tale "The Revolt of the Evil Fairies," the internal conflict refers to the fairies feeling unappreciated and underrepresented in comparison to other mythical creatures. The external conflict is the fairies deciding to revolt against the fairy queen to demand better treatment and recognition.

What literary element is most exemplified in the Revolt of the Evil Fairies?

The literary element most exemplified in "The Revolt of the Evil Fairies" is allegory, as the story uses fantastical elements to comment on real-world issues or themes. The evil fairies represent a corrupt ruling class, while the rest of the fairy folk represent oppressed or marginalized groups.

What point of view was used in The Revolt of the evil fairies?

The point of view used in "The Revolt of the Evil Fairies" is third person omniscient, where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters in the story.

How was the audience segregated at the annual school play in the story the revolt of the evil fairies?

because they dont like each other

In The Revolt of the Evil Fairies a young man is upset because he lives in where he feels he is denied opportunities because of his race.What literary element is most involved in this description?


In The Revolt of the Evil Fairies a short story by Ted Poston a young man is upset about issues of racism that divide his town and deny him an opportunity he would like.?

External conflict

In The Revolt of the Evil Fairies a short story by Ted Poston a young man is upset about issues of racism that divide his town and deny him an opportunity he would like?

External conflict

How did the British feel about fairies?

We british people feel that fairies are evil and devilish creatures!

What colour are evil fairies eyes?

RED!! :)

Inthe revolt of the evil fairies a short story by ted poston a young man is upset about racism in his school the issue comes to a head over the casting of Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty in?

Yes Ted Poston is upset because only the lightskinned students get to play the good fairies in the black, meanwhile the black are predetermined to play the eveil fairies

What were the three leading roles in revolt of the evil fairies?

The three good fairies in Disney's Sleeping Beauty are Fauna, Flora, and Merryweather.