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The south was in ruins. Plantations and farms had been battlefields so crops were gone, railroad ties had been pulled up, cities like Atanta were burned shells, Richmond was gone, slaves had left the plantations to follow Union troops, the men who fought were dead or wounded and the money was bad.

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Q: What was the economic impact of the civil war on the south?
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The South was far more economically impacted by the Civil War because more of the South was destroyed by the war, and the abolition of slavery forced the South to adopt a completely new economic system.

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The impact that the Civil War had on the North and the South was: North: * North abolished slavery after the war because of the Emancipation Proclamation South * South grew poor * South experienced inflation

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Most advantages, economic and otherwise, favored the North

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The South was devastated in all ways, economically, physically and emotionally.

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Many migrated north and west

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The North had the greater economic resources as it was industrialised while the South relayed on a slave and cotton economy.

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The statement that correctly explains economic conditions in the South during the Civil War was that they were very poor and relied heavily on agriculture. This greatly contrasted the North which was more industry oriented.

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Many migrated North and West

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No impact. The KKK began as "night riders " in the south as a result of the civil war and to scare the freed slaves.