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Q: What was the effect to the Russian Forces attacks both Austria and Germany?
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What was the effect of Russian forces attacking both Austria and Germany?

After Russian forces attacked both Austria and German more countries got involved in WWI to take down Germany.

What were the effects of Russian forces attacking austria and Germany?

WW1 started at the front.

What were the effects of Russian forces attacking both Austria and Germany?

WW1 started at the front.

Who did Germany surrender to in Stalingrad?

Russian forces .

Who did US go against in World War 1?

The US battled the central forces, which were Germany and Austria-Hungary.

How was Germany's invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 different from the Anschlus with Austria in 1938?

invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Germans was with armed force. With Austria the German forces merely crossed the border of Austria without firing a shot and annexed Austria.........

Who betrayed the triple alliance?

Italy refused to honor its alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary in the triple alliance and joined the allied forces, being promised part of the territory in Austria after the war.

Name give to union of Germany with Austria?

In 1938, military forces of Nazi Germany crossed over the borders to its southern neighbor, Austria, in what soon became known as the "Anschluss". This German term means "union" or "connection", and fittingly describes the annexation of the formerly independent nation by Germany.

Site where French troops defeated Austrian and Russian armies?

The Battle of Austerlitz was a site where Napoleon Bonaparte and his Grand Armee crushes the forces of Russia and Austria

Germany's allies in World War 2 were Japan Italy Hungary Bulgaria Finland Libya and?

Austria, their neighbors to the south. Romania also supplied forces to fight for the Axis in Russia. The puppet states Slovakia and Croatia were also allies of Germany. Incidentally, from 1938-45 Austria was a part of Germany.

When did Russian Space Forces end?

Russian Space Forces ended in 2011.

Who was Russia's ememy's during World War 1?

Russian Forces in WW1 fought against Germany & The Austro/Hungarian Empire.