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Q: What was the effects of the Lincoln debates of 1858?
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How did the Lincoln Douglas debates of 1858 impact Lincoln political future?


Where did the Lincoln-Douglas debates occur?

Ottawa, Illinois

How did the North react to the Lincoln Douglas debates in 1858?

The Lincoln and Douglas debates in 1858, were extensively covered by newspapers in both the North and the South. Northerners followed the debates and by doing so, brought to national attention the views of Abraham Lincoln. Abolitionists in the North were impressed with Abraham Lincoln's views on slavery.

Is it true that In the Lincoln Douglas debates of 1858 Abraham Lincoln favored popular sovereignty?


When did president Lincoln loose to Stephan A. Douglas?

In the 1858 election for senator. During this event, Lincoln and Douglas held a series of debates, known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Who in 1858 opposed slavery on moral grounds in debates with Stephen Douglas?

Abraham Lincoln.

When did the Lincoln-Douglas debates take place?

In 1858, in time for the Senatorial elections in Illinois.

Which best summarizes Lincoln's position on slavery in 1858?

In 1858, it was evident that Lincoln opposed slavery. He said as much in his debates against Stephen Douglas, who was his opponent in the presidential race.

What business man helped fund for Abraham Lincoln the costs involved with the debates between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in 1858?

At the time, a donation of $1,000 helped Abraham Lincoln with the costs of the famed debates between Lincol and Douglas. It is worth while to point out that in 1858, $1,000 was a good deal of money.

What two senatorial candidates held a series of debates in Illinois in 1858?

Stephen Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln