

What was the ending of middle ages?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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6y ago

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The Middle Ages are the middle between classical antiquity, which is regarded as having ended with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, with the usual date being 476, and the Renaissance, which is regarded as having begun in 1453, 1492, or 1513, depending on who you are talking to and what is regarded as important.

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It didn't. The Middle Ages was ending by the time that the Americas were discovered.

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Some people regard the Middle Ages as beginning when the ancient times ended. Others have the ancient times ending in the middle of the 5th century, and the Middle Ages starting in the 11th. According to the first of these, the time between the ancient times and the Middle Ages is called the Early Middle Ages, but the later usage would have it be called the Dark Ages.

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it was the middle ages. i hope this helps you

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Most people who talk of Roman times are referring to the period of the Roman Empire ending with the fall of the West Roman Empire in the 5th century. This happened before the Middle Ages began. The word medieval means the same as Middle Ages, so the early medieval times are the same as the Early Middle Ages, but that is only part of the Middle Ages.

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The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

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Roman. It was the ending of the Roman Empire that started the middle ages in 410 AD.

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There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.

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The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.

What time was the middle ages?

Early Middle Ages 400 - 700, High Middle Ages 700 - 1300, Late Middle Ages 1300 -1500.

What prompted the end of the Middle Ages?

The ending of the Middle Ages was a slow process involving many things. The Renaissance began in about 1300 or 1350, and the Middle Ages lasted until about 1450 or 1500. Increased trade, exploration, increased education, general availability of books, introduction of the scientific method, changes in peoples' religious views, and changes in their attitudes about their places in society have all been suggested as things that ended the Middle Ages.

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It was not worn in the Middle Ages.