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The very first African-American owned and operated newspaper was Freedom's Journal. First published in 1827, it mostly appealed to the free African-Americans at the time.

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Q: What was the first African newspaper?
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What was the first african american newspaper?

The first African-American Newspaper was The Freedom's Journal. This came out in 1827 and was owned and operated by Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm.

The name of the first African American newspaper?

freedom's journal

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John Brown Russwurm co-founded Freedom's Journal, the first African American owned newspaper in the United States.

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The first African American newspaper was the Freedom's Journal published its first edition in 1827.

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Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm established the first African American newspaper in the United States called Freedom's Journal in 1827. It aimed to provide a platform for African American voices and address issues related to slavery, abolition, and civil rights.

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